The Standard Figuring Book has more than one mustard pickle recipe, and why not? The book is a collection of family recipes from several generations, and so, some variety of the ‘same’ thing is to be expected.
Mustard Pickles
8 qts {green tomatoes, onions, cucumbers}
Peel green tomatoes and cucumbers. Take seeds out of large cucumbers. Salt as you peel and let stand about 1/2 hr. Peel onions, cut up in small pieces. Put enough vinegar to suit own taste (2 qts). Add 4 C sugar. Put mixed pickling spices (2T) in bag & put in vinegar. When it comes to a boil, put in onions, cucumbers, tomatoes. Cook until tender. Then add foll. for thickening: 2 t ginger, 2 T flour, 2 T mustard, 1 t turmeric.
Add ‘foll.’ ? I had to look that one up. It simply means ‘following’. Basic canning and pickling knowledge is power with this recipe.